Setting up an IoT framework/dashboard with NodeRed, Mosca/Mosquitto and dashboard

With the low cost of the esp8266 chip and boards, it is now easy and affordable to add connectivity  to almost anything that we can think of. Still if we build an Internet of Things device by enabling it with the esp8266 chip to connect to the internet, or other networks, what we can do with the data that we gather? Basically we do what we do with any data that we get, store it, process it and show it, and that’s what we are going to see on this post.

The software (running on Linux platform) that I’ll use is the following:

IBM NodeRed: ( This great software will allow us to get data, process it, store and publish it, with a workflow based designer. It runs under Node-Js Javascript based server engine.

MQTT Broker Mosca: ( There are several MQTT brokers available, but this one runs on Node-Js and so is platform agnostic, and runs where Node-Js runs. Also it has websocket support out of the box, which allows to use the dashboard in a straight foward way. Dashboard: ( Is a great dashboard and freely available at the project GitHub page ( It allows to design and store several dashboards with some cool widgets.

Step 1: Setting up NodeRed:

First of all make sure that you have node and npm (the node package manager) installed on your distribution. You can see that with the commands node -v and npm -v for checking out their versions. In my case, and for now, it’s version v0.10.33 for nodejs and 1.4.28 for npm.

First I’ve created a directory named IoTServer where I’ll keep all software and configurations.

Download the zip file from nodered GitHub page or just clone the repository. I clone the repository, because it’s simpler in the future to update it with just git pull. First just make sure that you have the icu/libicu libraries installed.

cd ~
mkdir IoTServer
cd IoTServer
git clone
cd node-red
npm install

We can now run the nodered server with the command node red.js -v. I use -v at the end to see if any error crops up and also to see if any node modules are missing, and need to be installed. For example:

pcortex@cloudsrv:~/IoTServer/node-red$ node red.js -v  
   Welcome to Node-RED 
24 Feb 11:35:16 - [info] Node-RED version: v0.10.3.git 
24 Feb 11:35:16 - [info] Node.js  version: v0.10.33 
24 Feb 11:35:16 - [info] Loading palette nodes 
24 Feb 11:35:59 - [warn] ------------------------------------------ 
24 Feb 11:35:59 - [warn] [arduino] Error: Cannot find module 'arduino-firmata' 
24 Feb 11:35:59 - [warn] [rpi-gpio] Info : Ignoring Raspberry Pi specific node. 
24 Feb 11:35:59 - [warn] [redisout] Error: Cannot find module 'redis' 
24 Feb 11:35:59 - [warn] [mongodb] Error: Cannot find module 'mongodb' 
24 Feb 11:35:59 - [warn] ------------------------------------------ 
24 Feb 11:35:59 - [info] Server now running at 
24 Feb 11:35:59 - [info] Flows file not found : flows_clouds.json 
24 Feb 11:35:59 - [info] Starting flows

As we can see the node modules arduino, rpi-gpio, redisout and mongodb are missing. If we are going to use them, we need to install them with the npm tool. Also the following message: Flows file not found : flows_clouds.json informs us that no saved nodered workflows where found. We can now access the nodered at adress http://localhost:1880/. If we want to change the bind address or add authentication, we should change the settings.js file. Take a look at for more information, and start nodered with: node red.js -v -s settings.js

We can now start designing our nodered workflows that receive data from the esp8266 via MQTT protocol or even by simple REST based HTTP protocol, process it and store the data payload, if any.

For storing data into a database, we can use MongoDB, or mysql, for example, installing the needed modules.

For mysql we can do:

cd ~/IoTServer/node-red
npm install bignumber.js require-all readable-stream
npm install mysql
npm install node-red-node-mysql

And we need to restart nodered. The mysql node should be available now in storage pallet.

Step 2: Installing Mosca MQTT broker (Alternative 1 for the MQTT Broker)

We can use several brokers, but since we already are running nodered on node-js, we will use Mosca. Both nodered and Mosca can provide a websocked based interface. This is of interest because we can use browser based websocket applications, like, to consume data from our IoT devices.

cd ~
sudo -s
sudo npm install mosca bunyan -g

And to run it just do: mosca -v | bunyan

For running it with websockets enabled, on TCP port 3000, just do:

mosca -v --http-port 3000 --http-bundle --http-static ./ | bunyan

Check out the documentation for more information at:

Step 2: Mosquitto MQTT broker with Websockets support (Alternative 2 for the MQTT Broker)

If having trouble installing or using Mosca, we can use the latest Mosquitto version 1.4 that has websockets support.

For that we need to make sure that cmake and uuid/uuid-dev are installed (For example: sudo apt-get install cmake uuid uuid-dev).

Also we need to download the libwesockets library, compile it and install it:

cd ~/IoTServer
git clone git://
cd libwesockets
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
We then need to download and compile Mosquitto 1.4:
cd ~/IoTServer
tar xvzf mosquitto-1.4.tar.gz
cd mosquitto-1.4
We need to edit the file and change the option WITH_WEBSOCKETS:=no  to WITH_WEBSOCKETS:=yes
And finally:
sudo make install
To activate websocket support we need to edit the mosquitto.conf file located at /etc/mosquitto or some other directory and add the following lines, for example at the end of the file:
listener 1883

listener 9001
protocol websockets

Then we run it with:

pcortex@cloudsrv:~/IoTServer$ mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
1424790588: mosquitto version 1.4 (build date 2015-02-24 14:38:47+0000) starting 
1424790588: Config loaded from /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf. 
1424790588: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883. 
1424790588: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883. 
1424790588: Opening websockets listen socket on port 9001.

Step 3: Installing dashboard

We are almost at the end of this long post. For our infrastructure we need now to install the dashboard that will allow us to see the data in the browser.
cd ~/IoTServer
git clone

For now I’ll just use apache to serve the freeboard dashboards that is installed in my server. Because freeboard is not installed on the root web directory we need to make the freeboard available to Apache. The easiest way to do this, as long as Apache has the FollowSymLinks option enabled for the document root, is to create a link to the freeboard directory on the web document root:

sudo -s
cd /var/www
ln -s /home/pcortex/IoTServer/freeboard iot

And now freeboard is available at the url http://myserveraddres/iot.

We need now, and finally to add MQTT over Websockets support to freeboard… We are almost there. This post   shows how it’s done but I’ll repeat it here again:

1st: Download the development version of mqtt.js here: ( and save it:

cd ~/IoTServer/freeboard/plugins
mkdir mqtt
cd mqtt
wget --output-document mqttws31.js

We will now download the freeboard MQTT plugin:

cd ~/IotServer
git clone
cd freeboard/plugins/mqtt
cp ~/IoTServer/freeboard-mqtt/paho.mqtt.plugin.js .

We need to edit the paho.mqtt.plugin.js file and change the line:

                "external_scripts" : [
                        "<full address of the paho mqtt javascript client>" 


               "external_scripts" : [

and finally we need to change the index.html file from:

                // *** Load more plugins here *** 


                // *** Load more plugins here *** 

That’s it. We are finally ready. All infrastructure is done. We need now just to configure it.

Final step: Testing it out with mosquitto websockets!:

Let’s start Mosquitto: nohup mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf &

And check if the WS protocol is active:

netstat -nap | grep 9001

tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      18973/mosquitto

Setting up  It’s very important to notice that the Dashboard will run on our browser, making in fact our browser the client. This means that when we configure freeboard, we must take notice of this when filling up the MQTT broker address. It will be localhost if the browser AND the broker runs on the same machine, but for the dashboard to work anywhere we should use the public ip of the machine running the broker:

Access the dashboard, and select Datasources -> Add. From the dropdown box, we select the Paho MQTT provider.


We need to configure the data source as follows:


Change the MQTT server address to something that makes sense in your config.

For Mosquitto with websockets enabled, the port is 9001, and for Mosca, the port is 3000, but of course this can change, depending of the configuration used.

We can now add a Panel and a gauge to see data from the topic /data that we defined on the above datasource.

So, Add Pane, and on the new Pane select the + (plus) to add a widget. In our case we will select Gauge. We fill out the required info and on the Value field we press Datasource, and select the newly previous created datasource named Data and because we are not using JSON for data, we just append .msg at the end. So something like datasource[“DS_data”].msg should be writen.


We press Save, and that’s it.

We can now publish into the topic, and the dashboard should update:


For example, in this case: mosquitto_pub -t /data -m 23

That’s it. It works fine with Mosquitto 1.4 with websockets enabled and with the Mosca MQTT broker.

Final setup:

We should make our dashboard permanent and for doing so we need to save the dashboard locally as a JSON file, and move it to the server running the dashboard to the root directory of freeboard.

After that we call directly the saved dashboard with the following URL:


Edit: For Websocket support on the Dashboard, please checkout Freeboard and WebSockets

Warning:The current project at Github (as of 12/2015) has problems saving dashboards when using Firefox. For saving dashboards use Chrome/Chromium.

45 thoughts on “Setting up an IoT framework/dashboard with NodeRed, Mosca/Mosquitto and dashboard

  1. Great tutorial! I’ve followed your instructions. I’ve used mosquitto as mqtt broker. I could send data to freeboard with mosquitto_pub -t /data -m 23, but it is not displayed. freeboard says that it received a message. mosquitto says that a client was connected.
    Maybe I should convert data to number?

      1. Thanks for the feedback. It is probably something that is different with your version, not sure. I’ll have a go with the latest version to check the behaviour.

  2. Thank you for reply.
    today I couldn’t get it working even with the “DS_data”. Some data is coming to freeboard, because I see that ‘last updated’ time changes. Problem is that gauge is always 0. Is there a way to debug?

  3. A remote controller publishes three topics to mosquitto broker: /board/temperature, /board/potentiometer, /board/soundlevel.
    In “the topic to subscribe to” I put “/board/#”.
    In gauge setting I wrote datasources[“data”][“msg”]. Now all three topics are diplayed in the same guage at the same time.
    I want to display received data in three separate gauges. How to do this from single data source?
    Thank you for your support.

    1. Instead of publishing a simple value like 20, publish a JSON structure. Then you can access the members with different values, using the same datasource.

  4. Thanks for the tutorial, I have temperature and humidity in the gauge pane working perfectly!! Only thing is I cant get it to load the json settings – I am going to check my apache configs, sure its something there

    1. Hi: There are no stupid questions 🙂
      Regarding you question, the main issue, regarding at least the ESP826, is that NodeRed is used to convert the MQTT protocol to the WebSockets protocol used by the That is one of the purposes, but other purposes are also for the isolation, that means that communicates with a server (NodeRed) and not volatile devices that come and go. And also NodeRed can be used to add logic and calculation for the input data before publishing it to freeboard.
      But of course, NodeRed is not mandatory.
      I hope that the answer clarified your question.

  5. I do encounter a strange behavior of Freeboard on my local server, it allows only 1 data source, once I have finish adding the second datasource the first one stop update, by the way I’m using freeboard with nginx and I have to specify the user “root” in the nginx.conf file.

    Any Idea what has happen?

    1. Hi:

      Sorry, no idea 🙂 But I believe that I had the same issue, with Apache, and saving the Dashboard and accessing it directly after a restart of the web server did the trick.
      Not sure.
      I had my freeboard dashboard running on hosted VPS, but the company went bust and I’ve lost my dashboards. So right now I have no way to easily test.
      Ohh, also after adding the second datasource close the browser and try again, it might help.

      1. Thanks will try your trick… No wonder why I could not get thru the first landing page of and nobody at freeboard seem to read my email.



  6. hello
    Great idea but I can’t follow your install instructions on windows!
    Please can you give the instructions for windows?
    Thanks a lot

    1. Hi:

      Sorry, I don’t own or have access to any Microsoft Windows based machine, so I’m afraid I can’t help you in setting this up on Windows.

  7. i have followed your tutorial to the letter but my mqtt datasource is never updated. When i test the websocket with the hivemq webclient which is using the same mqttws31.js everything works any tips

    1. the dashboard can be a bit unreliable regarding the datasources. The datasource must be created from scratch without any errors. What I mean is that if we change something on the datasource afterwards it stops working. Can you create the datasource from scratch?

  8. If you get the “/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory” error when running “mosca -v –http-port 3000 –http-bundle –http-static ./ | bunyan” just add a symlink to the actual binary
    ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/local/bin/node

  9. hi
    i’m trying to follow your description. do i understand this right that about in the middle you switched from mosca to mosquitto?
    i think i have mosca up and running, but i’m not shure how to verify, is there also a command like “mosquitto_pub” to send a message to my mosca install?
    or would you recommend to install msquitto anyway?
    in meantime i’^ll try to send a message with node-red, many thanks

    1. Hi. Yes, sorry for the confusion. At first I’ve tried to build everything based on NodeJS/Javascript, where Mosca fits better due to the fact it uses the same technology.
      But I had trouble making it work on my Synology NAS due to several issues, and changed to Mosquitto where there is a package for the Synology. In my work PC, Mosca works fine. Still for the freeboard dashboard either Mosca or Mosquitto can be used.
      Anyway, I’m not aware of any Mosca specific tools for publishing MQTT topics.
      What I recomend is to download and use the MQTT-SPY tool, and use the tool to connect to the broker and use it’s graphical interface to publish and receive the topics.

      1. Many thanks for your reply. Makes thing clearer to my.
        Meanwhile im succesfully in sending data from node-red to the mqtt, with an mqtt out module, broker = localhost:1883 and topic = /data.
        In freeboard i created a data source as per your description which is working too (last updatet time changing when i send in node-red.
        This is very cool, and i have to say thanks again for describing this setup.

        Now i’m strungling on the gauage, when i add a text widget, i see that i have the follwing:
        datasource = datasources[“data”][“msg”] or datasources[“data”].msg (same result)
        text widget output = {“direction”:274,”speed”:3.4}
        so i tryed to address the single values with: datasources[“data”][“msg”].direction but that’s not working, do you have maybe any idea how to solve this?

      2. If the msg is {“direction”:274,”speed”:3.4}, then it’s a JSON object. So I think that the correct expression should be something like datasource = datasources[“data”][“msg”] .speed and
        datasource = datasources[“data”][“msg”] .direction

  10. sorry i did overlook that there is an “jso messages” option on the datasorce prpoerties page. now everithing is working.
    what i don’t like at the moment that on freeboard reload all the graphs start at zero.

    1. I don’t know the code base for freeboard, but that it’s normal, at start up time it has no data…

  11. Hi there>>!
    I am having problem while executing mosquitto.conf file

    I have added

    listener 1883

    listener 9001
    protocol websockets

    when I fire the command mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
    it is showing error unkown configuration variable ‘protocol’.

    1. What version of the Mosquito broker are you using?
      This only works for version 1.4 or above for the mosquito broker.
      You can see what version you are running with the command: mosquitto -v

  12. Thanks for the tutorial, I have a problem when i execute “mosquitto_pub -t /data -m 25” i can’t receive data in gauge, i thing that i have a problem with the hostname of MQTT server in my configuration. anyone can help me how i can know the name of my server or what is the problem.

    1. Without knowing exactly your setup it is a bit difficult to help. Anyway the hostname must be accessible by the machine running the browser where data is shown up. I had a lot of troubles with freeboard due to strange behaviour on data sources, so I’ve moved to Node-Red Dashboard which supports all the things that freeboard does, but is not as fiddly.

  13. Thanks for your replay, I need to run this platform with mqtt and websockets. i don’t no the error because in my terminal when i write “mosquitto_pub -t /data -m 23 -d” the response is :
    Client mosqpub/12814-mosbah-HP sending CONNECT
    Client mosqpub/12814-mosbah-HP received CONNACK
    Client mosqpub/12814-mosbah-HP sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, ‘/data’, … (2 bytes))
    Client mosqpub/12814-mosbah-HP sending DISCONNECT

    but the message don’t display in the gauge please what is the problem because i’m tired to execute it. can you explain me!!!


    1. Hi. Without knowing the configuration is a bit difficult to troubleshoot it. Putting aside the gauge, first try to see if you can receive the message with the mosquitto_sub command, then try it with the Hive MQ websockets MQTT client to see if anything is wrong with the basic configuration. Then check and double check the configuration. Delete it an create it again witho no mistakes otherwise if you save and then change anything, it stops working.

      1. Hi, about the first test it’s ik but about the second test i can’t run it because the broker is installed in my machine. i don’t know what is the mistake !!!

        just in the installation when i am executed this commande “git clone git://” i encountered an error so i change it by this library : “libwebsockets-1.5-stable” and it was work!!!

      2. Just use the local address for your machine to connect to the broker ( The Hive MQTT client runs on your browser despite being provided on the internet.

  14. I follow the same steps quoted in the tutorial but when I execute the command to publish data, I do not get any error also no display value in the gauge. I would like if you read my comment carefully to give me the right answer because I’m lost one week to get a result.
    I would be very grateful sir

    1. As I said, and I’ll repeat again. Freeboard.IO has serious troubles with MQTT topics if not configured right. You need to debug if is a freeboard issue or an MQTT issue first. Use Hive MQTT client or MQTT.fx first to debug MQTT.
      THEN delete configuration and create it again. There are a lot of configuration details regarding MQTT on freeboard, being that first you can’t use local address for MQTT broker.
      Sorry can’t help you further than this.

    1. Directly, I have no idea. Still you can use Node-Red to bridge Kafka to MQTT since MQTT is supported in freeboard. There is a node-red Kafka node so it should be simple to set up.

  15. Hi, i installed freeboard on my server, i just have a problem with the save button. so i hope find a solution for that.

    how can i save it ?? thanks

  16. The button works conrrerectly, but the freeboard is stored on a server not on my machine, I access to the server through the putty. So I have to register the dashboard in the server not on my own machine no !!
    That it will be the address so that I can to access it another time.
    thank you so much

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