
Normally I don’t use or look solutions for problems that I don’t have. And for this reason alone, meant that stayed under my radar for so long.

Whats my problem?
Since I’m building my mailbox monitoring solution, I’m using two different types of Arduino boards: a Arduino nano 328p based board for the RF gateway, and some Digispark AtTinny85 based boards for the sensors. The Digispark AtTinny85 boards are not completely energy efficient for battery power sensor usage, but they are good enough to be used as initial proof of concept.

To be able to program the Digispark board, I had to use the Arduino IDE, and through the IDE Boards Manager, add support for them, so that these new boards are available to be selected and programmed.

Now, this bring two problems:

– The first one is that after selecting on the IDE the board type, every window instance of the IDE assumes the same board. This means that I can’t have side by side one Arduino IDE window for the RF gateway based Atmega328p board, and other window for the AtTinny85 sensor board. I have to constantly change board types depending of what code I’m working for. A good solution (as the Platformio uses) should to associate the board type to the project, but that is not possible on the Arduino IDE.

– The second problem, is that the last Arduino IDE tools update broke the integration between the native Arduino boards and the Digispark based boards. I can have support for one of them or the other, but not both at the same time, otherwise I get errors. There are some discussions on the Arduino forums that acknowledge the issues that I’m having.

Still I could use one IDE/editor for one type of board, and the Arduino IDE for the Attinny boards, but is not very efficient. Anyway, the Arduino IDE is too much hassle when complexity starts to grow. I’m already using the Netbeans IDE for programming the ESP8266 and the KDE Kate editor for some Arduino basic programming, so that all I need was something that supported the Digispark AtTinny85 toolset.

And so, I have several problems, which means I need to look for a solution, and preferably one that unifies all the platforms.

Platformio and Platformio IDE

Platformio is an open source toolset that allows, using the same base tools, to target different target environments: Atmel/Arduino, Espressif ESP8266, ARM, and so on.

This means that from a unified toolset/IDE I can target different platforms, and one important thing, the target is defined by project and not by the tool or IDE, which solves my first problem.

Also Platformio, since it supports out of the box several targets, it probably also solves problem number two of having possible future clashes between different device platforms/architectures.

Platformio is a command line based tool, and associated with it there is an IDE where development can take place on a modern editor (Atom) that, among another things, supports code completion, serial port monitoring, embedded terminal, and so on…

The command line tool supports searching and installing support for the several boards available on the market, and also allows to search and install user contributed libraries.

Anyway, the Platformio docs can explain better the purpose and capabilities of these tools, but the greatest achievement of this is that allows an unified toolset to be used for different boards/targets.

Keep in mind that there are at least two tools:

– Platformio – This is a Python based command line tool that unifies the compiling, uploading, library management, and so on.
– Platformio IDE – This is a NodeJS, Atom Editor based IDE that integrates the Platform tools on the IDE.

While I had no issues, worth of mention, on Arch Linux, in using Platformio cli tools, the IDE has a lot of issues, not due to Platformio IDE, but due to Atom editor and supporting software (Electron). I’m still not able to use the IDE to it’s full potential, but as an editor that has code completion and project management it works fine, but so far for me, upload to the boards must be done through the command line platformio tools.

Installing Platformio on Arch Linux
So I’m running Arch Linux, which by definition is quite near bleeding edge… There are instructions for other platforms, and so it is my take on the installation on Arch:

The main platformio package is available on the AUR repository, so just install it with pacaur or yaourt:

 yaourt -S platformio

We should then have the command line tools:

root@pcortex:~# pio
Usage: pio [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --version          Show the version and exit.
  -f, --force        Force to accept any confirmation prompts.
  -c, --caller TEXT  Caller ID (service).
  -h, --help         Show this message and exit.

  boards       Pre-configured Embedded Boards
  ci           Continuous Integration
  init         Initialize new PlatformIO based project
  lib          Library Manager
  platforms    Platforms and Packages Manager
  run          Process project environments
  serialports  List or Monitor Serial ports
  settings     Manage PlatformIO settings
  update       Update installed Platforms, Packages and Libraries
  upgrade      Upgrade PlatformIO to the latest version

To start a simple arduino project we can first install the Atmel AVR platform:

root@pcortex:~#  pio platforms install atmelavr
Installing toolchain-atmelavr package:
Downloading  [####################################]  100%             
Unpacking  [####################################]  100%             
The platform 'atmelavr' has been successfully installed!
The rest of packages will be installed automatically depending on your build environment.

We can search for available platforms with pio platforms search

 mkdir myproject
 cd myproject
 pio init --board uno

And that’s it. We can start to edit the src.main.cpp file, add libraries to the lib directory, execute pio run to compile, and pio run -t upload to upload to the board.

We can see further instructions here

And that basically it for the Command Line tools.

For the IDE:

Install from the main repository the clang and atom editor. Minicom is to have the Serial port monitoring from the IDE (or not):

Edit: Do not install atom editor from the main repository. Install atom-editor-bin from AUR instead. Many problems are solved with the AUR version. You may first install the editor from the main repositories so that all possible dependencies are pulled first, and then remove it with pacman -R atom apm and install the AUR version with yaourt -S atom-editor-bin

root@pcortex:~# pacman -S clang atom minicom
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (11) apm-1.12.6-1  electron-1.3.3-1  http-parser-2.7.1-1  libuv-1.9.1-1  minizip-1:1.1-1  nodejs-6.4.0-1  npm-3.10.6-1  re2-20160301-1  semver-5.3.0-1  atom-1.9.8-3  clang-3.8.1-1 minicom-2.7-2

This will bring also the node-js and electron platforms.

We can now start the Atom editor to add the package Platformio-IDE. Installing the package Platformio-IDE will also pull the Platformio-IDE-Terminal.

root@pcortex:~# atom

To clear the error (if it appears) that the atom editor can’t watch the .atom/config.cson file, execute also the following command:

sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=32768

In my case, after starting Atom, the main window appears, but nothing else works. For example, going to Edit->Preferences to try add the Platformio-IDE package does nothing. The same applies to other menu options. On the other hand, running atom as root, seems to work, but is not a solution.

Starting atom on the foreground (atom -f ) I can see the following error:

  TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined", source: path.js (7)

What I’ve found out is that if we open a file passed through the command line, close atom, and start it again without any parameter, it starts to work…

So, just do, for example:

 root@pcortex:~# atom somefile.txt

 Close atom, and start it again:

 root@pcortex:~# atom 

The menus should start to work and we should be to install the platformio-ide package through the IDE Graphical Package Manager. Just go to Edit->Settings->Install search for Platformio and add Platformio IDE. The Platformio IDE Terminal will also be installed automatically.

If, as in my case, we are behind a corporate proxy, we set the proxy environment variables on a terminal session, and start atom from there.

PlatformIO Instalation

After installation the Platformio menu and toolbar should appear.

One thing that I’ve found out was that the terminal window and serial port monitor wouldn’t work. In one of my machines the window just opens and stays blank with a blinking cursor. On other machine, an error appears saying that Platformio Terminal is not installed, which is not the case. In this last machine the error that appears with atom -f is:

 "Failed to require the main module of 'platformio-ide-terminal' because it requires an incompatible native module

On the first situation, the window only with the blinking cursor, pressing CTRL-SHIFT-I to open the debugger and viewing the console, an error like this is shown:

/usr/lib/atom/src/task.js:52 Cannot find module '../bin/linux/x64.m49.node' Error: Cannot find module '../bin/linux/x64.m49.node'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:440:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:388:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:468:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
    at Object. (/home/fdam/.atom/packages/platformio-ide-terminal/node_modules/pty.js/lib/pty.js:18:9)
    at Module._compile (module.js:541:32)
    at Object.value [as .js] (/usr/lib/atom/src/compile-cache.js:208:21)
    at Module.load (module.js:458:32)

What I’ve done to solve this:

– Goto ~/.atom/packages/plataformio-ide-terminal
– Delete completely the node_modules directory: rm -rf node_modules
– Install nslog: npm install nslog
– Edit the package json file, and change the nan version from 2.0.5 to >2.0.5

        "name": "nan",
        "version": ">2.0.5",
        "path": "node_modules/nan/include_dirs.js"

– Install the packages: npm install.
– It should error on the pty.js package. Do not worry (yet…)
– Goto node_modules/pty.js and edit the package.json file. Change the version of nan from 2.0.5 to >2.0.5

  "dependencies": {
    "extend": "~1.2.1",
    "nan": ">2.0.5"

– Remove the node_modules directory (for the pty.js): rm -rf node_modules
– Check what is our electron version: electron -v
– In my case it is v1.3.3
– Paste the following lines on the terminal:

# Electron's version.
export npm_config_target=1.3.3
# The architecture of Electron, can be ia32 or x64.
export npm_config_arch=x64
# Download headers for Electron.
export npm_config_disturl=
# Tell node-pre-gyp that we are building for Electron.
export npm_config_runtime=electron
# Tell node-pre-gyp to build module from source code.
export npm_config_build_from_source=true
# Install all dependencies, and store cache to ~/.electron-gyp.
HOME=~/.electron-gyp npm install

Start again the atom editor. The terminal should work now. If not, atom might complain and show a red icon bug on the bottom right side. Just press it, and choose module rebuild, restart atom and it should be ok.


While the installation and usage of the command line tools is straight forward and it works out of the box, the Atom based IDE is another story. It has a steep installation curve, not Platformio fault, but due to the number of components involved. Also those issues might be due to my Linux distribution (Arch), but still, it might be a real show stopper for some users if this happens on other distributions. I’ve lost some serious hours debugging this 🙂 to arrive to an almost fully functional IDE.

Anyway at the end, the platform and the IDE are fantastic. With code completion, platformio tools seamlessly integrated, including simultaneous serial port monitoring to different boards, support for different targets and so on, is really a great product.

Platformio is highly recommended as also the IDE, despite it’s rough edges.

Communication over 433Mhz links

I’ve bought, about a year ago, maybe more, some 433Mhz transmitter and receivers , so I could build a mailbox monitoring solution, loosely based on LOFI Project. The base idea was when someone put something in my mailbox I was notified. Anyway, the ESP8266 came along, and after some experiments, there is no way that the ESP8266 can be used for implementing the monitoring mailbox project I was thinking due to power consumption but mainly because the high distance across several floors and walls between the mailbox and my access point. So back to basics and to the original simpler idea of using plain 433Mhz link for transmitting data.

I’ve started to do some experiments using these devices:

eBay 433Mhz RX TX

All I can say about these is while the transmitter is ok and works fine across floors and walls (I can see the signal clearly using my SDR), the receiver is absolute garbage and useless for the intended purpose.

The receiver is only able to receive in line of sight with the emitter when there are no obstacles, and even in this scenario with both emitter an receiver with attached antennas, the maximum distance between the emitter and the receiver is 4/5 meters at maximum.

The solution is to use the much better and higher cost RXB8 receiver that has according to the datasheet -114dBm sensitivity, but it does work and is very good.


The code for interfacing with this receiver is the same code that works with the cheaper receiver and is the Arduino Manchester encoding library.

Using the RXB8 with an attached 433Mhz antenna (I’m using an antena with 5dBi and a SMA connector), the results are simply superior, with the end result that the signal/messages when the emitter is located several floors down and across several walls, are received correctly and are able to be decoded by the Arduino.

Anyway, one of the interesting things on the LOFI project is/was the Hamming Error Correction implementation found here in the RobotRoom blog.

So I’ve forked the original mchr3k Arduino Manchester encoding library and added the Hamming Code Error correction support: Arduino Manchester encoding library with Hamming EC support.

The usage is quite simple, and can be seen on the examples Hamming_TX e Hamming_RX.

The two new functions are:

uint8_t Manchester::EC_encodeMessage( uint8_t numBytes, uint8_t *data, uint8_t *ecout)

where the input data buffer is provided by the data parameter with the buffer size also provided by the numBytes parameter. The output buffer ecout should at least be one third bigger than the original buffer since for every two input bytes an additional parity byte is added.

For receiving the buffer with the data and parity data is decoded and corrected if any errors are detected. Errors are corrected if possible.

uint8_t Manchester::EC_decodeMessage( uint8_t numBytes, uint8_t *ecin, uint8_t *bytesOut, uint8_t *dataout )

The input data is the size and the buffer with the data and parity, namely the numBytes and ecin input buffer pointer, and the output is returned on the dataout buffer, with the decoded size also returned on the bytesOut parameter.

Above these functions we can build some logical protocol for the received data, but that really depends on the way we want to use the library.

Weird .NET errors

I’ve come across some weird .NET errors in one Windows 2000 Server with .NET 1.1:

System.NullReferenceException inside the function System.Enum.System.IConvertible.ToBoolean;

Also System.ArgumentException creeps up.

The main issue here is that sometimes the application works, and some times it doesn’t. Also other applications that share the same web server show the same symptoms.

Another weird issue is that when one of the applications work, the other doesn’t work and vice-versa.

To cut a long story short, this boils down to an issue to the ADODB.DLL. Each .NET application has a BIN directory where sometimes there is an ADODB.DLL. If these versions mismatch each other’s application versions, the issue related above happens. Simple, right :)?

How to solve it? Well make sure that the several instances of ADODB.DLL is the same version on each application, OR remove ADODB.DLL from the BIN directory from each application and put it on the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). How?

1) Create a directory, for example c:\adodb

2) Move the version of ADODB.DLL to this directory

3) Make sure that there are no more instances of ADODB.DLL on your .NET applications

4) Stop IIS (iisreset /stop) and delete all the temporary files created on the Temporary ASP.Net Files folder of your framework installation (c:\winnt\Microsoft.Net\framework\v1.1.1432\Temporary Asp.Net files\)

5) Register the ADODB.DLL on the gac: gacutil /i c:\adodb\adodb.dll

6) Restart IIS, with IISRESET

Problem solved (I hope…)

What happens is that the first application that was hit, moved is version of ADODB.DLL to the assembly cache (temporary), and the other applications, due to version mismatch failed to work because of this…

Lesson learned: Make sure that your BIN directory has the same versions of each file for each application.