ESP8266 and AES128 for end-to-end encryption

One of my older posts that has more hits is this one:ESP8266 – Logging data in a backend – AES and Crypto-JS where it’s explained how we can send data that is encrypted with AES128 from the ESP8266 to a backend server, either a NodeJS server or a Node-Red based service.
On the comments section I had a lot of questions and issues with the implementation, and so I’ve crafted a full implementation of the End-to-End encryption that works both ways.

The code is available at Github: AESCrypto_Test and implements the firmware for an ESP8266 based device, I’m using the Wemos D1, and two node programs: one is the server and other is the client.

The Node Server just starts and waits for incoming data from the ESP8266 and decrypts the incoming data and just shows it on the screen. The server is always running to receive requests at any time.
The Node client is run interactively by the user to send data encrypted data to the ESP8266. The ESP8266 then decrypts the data and can do whatever it needs to do. The decrypted data is output to the serial console as usual.

For this communication to happen both the ESP8266 and the Node client need to know the IP of each other, and so there is the need to change that on the code before things start to work ok.

In this example, the AES key being used is pre-shared, by another words, its known from the start by both the ESP8266 the Node Client and the Node Server. The initialization vector at the ESP8266 is random, and on the Node Client can be fixed (NOT SECURE!!) or random. Both cases are shown to show how it works.

Anyway this is just a sample code show how it works and the example can be used as stepping stone for implementing other things.

The key aspect on this code is nevertheless the use of a pre-shared key, that while it simplifies things up, is not really that secure, but anyway allows to see the concepts involved.

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